The mission of the Association Aide Canada Cameroon (ASSACC) is to support local activities and initiatives aimed at fighting poverty and promoting access to education in rural areas in Cameroon.
ASSACC believes that rural education is a primary factor in regional development.
Projects that promote the education of young people, in particular teenage mothers, are means of achieving one of the association’s objectives, which is to promote access to education.
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Promoting the health of communities is fundamental to ensuring decent lives and accelerating rural development.
ASSACC is committed to promoting cooperation projects that facilitate access to primary health care and disease prevention education.
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Social well-being
ASSACC focuses on international solidarity, volunteering and collaboration with the locals to understand the realities of the country and help them get out of poverty.
One of our priorities is to support orphanages in rural areas to better supervise the orphans for whom they are responsible.
Economic development
Young people and women are major players in rural development.
ASSACC wants to support various local initiatives to help young people, especially women, become financially independent.
Un grand merci pour votre aide. Pour la première fois, tous les élèves de mon école ont tous leur matériel scolaire. C’est un véritable soulagement pour nos enseignantes de pouvoir enfin avancer avec tous les enfants dans le curriculum scolaire en même temps. La plupart du temps, seuls 2 ou 4 sur une trentaine d’élèves ont leur matériel scolaire. Ce qui fait que nous finissions l’année scolaire avec à peine 10 élèves. Nous allons pouvoir terminer le programme scolaire et permettre à tous nos petits de pouvoir avancer avec une base solide. Merci infiniment!
Joséphine Fotso, Directrice de l’école maternelle de Mague à Bandjoun, Cameroun