The board comprises the following members
Carine Tuekam – President-founder
Carine holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Université du Québec in Montréal and a certificate in Human development psychology from Université de Laval. Humanitarian action has always been a passion for her. She has at heart the right of every child to receive quality education and care that is the foundation for their full development.
She has contributed to the creation of university scholarships for young people from immigrant communities, as well as mentoring and leadership programs for young girls.
Carine has a solid work experience in the university environment where she has been working for almost ten years. She holds the position of Academic Advisor at Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta.
Paulin Mulatris – Vice-president
Paulin is Professor, Senior Associate Dean and UNESCO Chair on Immigration in Francophone Minority Contexts at Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta. He has a multidisciplinary background in African philosophy and religion, theology, and economic and social sciences. His research interests focus on the Francophonie in a minority context, health, media and immigration; themes to which he has devoted, alone or in collaboration, some 40 articles, including
– L’invention de soi : jalons pour une réflexion sur la mémoire des immigrants (2014)
[Self-invention: Reflection on the memory of immigrants]
– Pour une politique de rapprochement entre les peuples autochtones et les nouveaux arrivants francophones à Edmonton (Alberta) (2014)
[For a policy of bridge-building between Aboriginal peoples and Francophone newcomers in Edmonton]
– La nation et son double . Essais sur les discours postcoloniaux au Canada (PUL, 2012)
[The nation and its double. Essays on postcolonial discourses in Canada]
Paulin is very involved in Franco-Albertan community life. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Association canadienne française de l’Alberta (ACFA) between 2005 and 2007 and vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Centre d’accueil et d’établissement du nord de l’Alberta between 2008 and 2015.
Emma Yellowbird – Secretary
Emma Yellowbird has been working for over 12 years in post-secondary administration in both in francophone and anglophone contexts.
She fiercely champions the recognition, inclusion, and application of Indigenous perspectives in education.
The questions of equity, diversity and inclusion are at the core of her philosophy and reflection.
Her personal and academic journeys have been a source of incredible relationships, exchanges as well as learning and sharing experiences.
Christelle Kamga – Treasurer
Christelle Kamga is a Master of Education student at Teluq University in Quebec. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Campus Saint-Jean, University of Alberta.
Christelle has been a teacher in the Francophone Council in Alberta for several years. As a former student at Campus Saint-Jean, she is passionate about working collaboratively with her colleagues in the training of new and future teachers.
Christelle is very involved in the francophone community and also works as a volunteer with St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Edmonton.
Sarah Nyakeru – Project director
Sarah Nyakeru holds a Master’s degree in Canadian Studies from the Faculté Saint-Jean at the University of Alberta. She is passionate about women’s rights and gender equality and continues to be intellectually curious and involved in her community. Her research focuses on postcolonial and African feminism.
Sarah Nyakeru is also involved in Edmonton’s francophone community, notably within the Coalition des femmes de l’Alberta, in addition to sitting on various university committees. Her community involvement with young Canadian women of immigrant origin has earned her the Youth Service Canada certificate of recognition.
Sarah Nyakeru is currently working as the Executive Director of the Guy Lacombe Institute.